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SportAppro coming up 26 September 2024

SportAppro is an event for all students and staff of University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences and Åbo Akademi University. In SportAppro you get to discover new forms of exercise and enjoy exercising with other people.

Information for participants

For a participation fee of €10, you can participate in different kinds of sports classes. At the end of the day, you get a cool overall patch which corresponds to the number of attended sports classes during the event. The event offers CampusSport’s own sports classes, as well as different kinds of sports classes organised by local sports clubs and companies in Turku. 

Having paid the CampusSport’s sports fee is not necessary, but payment of the participation fee (10 €) is necessary. The participation fee entitles you to sports classes during the day and an overall patch. Detailed information about the event will be updated primarily on page SportAppro and on CampusSport’s social media accounts (Instagram (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.), Facebook (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.)).

We are looking for partners

Would you like to help us organise SportAppro? We are looking for local sports clubs and companies who want to come to our event and present their own activities that encourage physical activity and well-being, for example through sports classes or a lecture on a suitable topic. If you are interested, please contact us by email at