More massage appointments available
Good news: we can now offer more massage appointments! We have a new massage therapist Liliana Neculae who will start already this week. Only the people who have paid CampusSport’s sports fee can buy massage services.
Mikko Lähdesmäki continues to offer massage appointments too. All massage appointments are held at Sport Sirkka (Sirkkalankatu 13, Turku). You can book a massage on CampusSport’s reservation system (select webshop as a branch and massage as a type). You can make reservations three weeks onward.
Massage price list
- 30 min: 21 €
- 45 min: 31 €
- 60 min: 42 €
- 90 min: 62 €
Cancellations must be made 24 hours before the appointment or you will be charged the full amount. The massage will be paid when you have the appointment. See the accepted payment methods on the page Massage.

In the photo Liliana Neculae.