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Gym sports competition has ended

Gym sports competition of the semester 2024-2025 has ended. The results of the competition are available on the page Match schedules and results. Thank you to everyone who participated in the competition and congratulations to all the winners!


  • Weighted Pull-Up: Henri Heikkinen
  • Bodyweight Pull-Up: Lassi Oksanen
  • Maximum Bench Press: Anton Palmroos
  • Military Bench Press: Joonatan Merenluoto
  • Leg Press (200 kg/100 kg): Joonatan Merenluoto
  • CampusSport’s Strongest: Joonatan Merenluoto
Gym sports competition's participants in a group picture at Formis gym.

All the participants

Joonatan Merenluoto holding their trophy at Formis gym.

Joonatan Merenluoto