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Answers to customer feedback spring 2024

We did a customer feedback questionnaire in the spring. We received around 100 answers and want to thank everyone who answered! The average grade for CampusSport’s services was 4,31 (on a scale of 1-5).

We have already taken some actions based on your suggestions. We will consider implementing the changes that require more resources during the next academic year.

As in previous feedback surveys, we have answered to some of the open-ended questions. You can find the answers below.

We are happy to receive feedback anytime. You can give us feedback, for example, by sending an email to or leaving a message via the feedback form on our website.

It’s great that Sport Sirkka has a unisex dressing room. I wish there would be one in Educarium too.

Good news! Another user of Educarium’s sports facilities, the teacher training institute OKL, has agreed that the dressing room which is located at the end of the corridor can be converted into a unisex dressing room. This change has already been made and the unisex dressing room is in use. There are no showers in the unisex dressing room. In addition, the accessible toilet next to the Educarium library can be used as a private dressing room. The other dressing rooms in Educarium will remain unchanged, i.e. one men’s and two women’s dressing rooms will be available.

Communication sometimes comes too late e.g. instructor changes.

We give out information about the changes as soon as we can. For example, when the instructors get ill, we get the information at short notice. We inform the customers of the changes at least two hours before the shift starts. If no substitute instructor can be found within this timeframe, the shift will be cancelled.

The exceptions in the sports schedule could be told in the Instagram stories. Also the times when the gyms are closed due to instructed classes could be listed in the stories.

We have made a conscious decision to give out information about the exceptions only on our website. In the past, when we told about the exceptions also on Instagram stories, we received feedback that it was confusing when you could not be sure if all changes had been listed in all channels. In the Instagram stories, acute updates can also often reach customers too late, especially if a lot of other Instagram stories have already been published the same day.

On our website there is a page where all the exceptions for the current week are listed. The link to the page is available on the sports schedule with the text “Exception: see details”. The page can also be found directly in the website menu Exceptions in the schedule.

Exceptions to the gyms’ opening hours are updated on each gym’s own page. Gyms are listed on the page Facilities.

There are very few staff-only classes. There should be more information available about the classes and shifts that are primarily meant for students, but where there could be available places for staff members too (and where staff members could go, taking their fitness level into consideration).

CampusSport is a service for the whole university community. All services are, in principle, aimed at both students and staff members. However, there are a few weekly staff-only classes, which is why the staff members pay a higher sports fee than the students. Otherwise, all classes and shifts are available to students and staff members alike, i.e. there are no separate classes or shifts for students. We encourage you to try different classes and see which suit you. You can apply and exercise in your own level.

I would have liked to book a massage, but I have never managed to find a free time in the reservation system. Could you inform when the next massages are available, so I can be on the lookout for a free appointment.

The amount of available massage appointments was very limited this academic year, because we only had one massage therapist who could offer massage appointments once a week. In May, a second massage therapist started at CampusSport. Our new massage therapist, Liliana Neculae, offers appointments three days a week, at least for the time being, so there are now considerably more appointments available than before. Massage appointments can be booked three weeks in advance in our reservation system. However, as the massage therapists are self-employed and work also in other organisations, they are not always able to open appointments three weeks in advance. In this case, appointments may be offered at shorter notice. Unfortunately, we are not always able to give out information when new appointments become available in the system.

I noticed that even though the same broken equipment had been mentioned on the feedback wall since early spring, no new ones were ever brought to the gym. Also, the customers have asked for new equipment since the autumn but we haven’t gotten any. Could CS tell us more about the timeframe in which the reparations and purchases will be made or whether they are made at all.

We are working on a page to our website where customers could see the status of proposed purchases and reparations. With the page, the same requests would not have to be written repeatedly on the feedback walls. In the listing, there would be information on why a particular purchase is not made or what is the estimate for the arrival date of the equipment or the spare part. Sometimes it can take up to several months for the spare parts or new equipment to arrive after they have been ordered.

I haven’t seen much of the sports tutors during the first year. Their activities could be more visible.

The sports tutors are in the sports facilities especially at the beginning of the semesters during the free trial weeks. After that, the sports tutors work elsewhere: they facilitate the weekly Just for fun shift, work as sports buddies and organise events such as nature trips and dance parties. In addition, three tutors have been posting shift introductions on the CampusSport Instagram account throughout the academic year. So, the tutors are involved in many things, they just do not work at the sports shifts and at the gyms. If the feedback suggested that we haven’t given out enough information about the tutors, we will take this feedback into account in the upcoming academic year.